

Online Worship for St. John's will post on Facebook Sunday's at 9 a.m.


other ways to watch Worship Anew:

For more information, please visit our website by clicking here



8:30 am Sundays on 1270 WQTT & 96.7 FM




Please click the above link to view the Historic Records of St. John's
St. John's Lutheran Church Records


If you would like a hard copy of the Notes & News and/or a CD audio copy of this week's worship service - they are now available in the entrance to the church & school offices.




Installation Celebration for 
Pastor Drake Peterson

 The Ladies Aid is organizing a meal to welcome and celebrate the installation of Pastor Drake Peterson, on Sunday, September 8 @ 3:00pm.  The meal will immediately follow the installation ceremony. Everyone is welcome!

 The meal will be potluck style. We are asking those attending with last names A-N to bring a side dish, and those with last names O-Z to bring a dessert. The side dishes and desserts can be dropped off at the school cafeteria, Sunday, September 8, between 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

 Grilled hotdogs, hamburgers, drinks, paper products, and eating and serving ware, will be provided.

 Please join us to welcome our new Pastor!

 If you have any questions, please contact

Brande Vollrath at 937-243-5289.


Please click the above image to give once or regularly online or simply mail your envelope to the church office (no cash please) at 12809 St Rt 736 Marysville Ohio 43040









